Established in 2008, the MIKS Foundation is a charitable, not-for-profit trust, charged with coordinating and funding of MIKS Investments’ social development initiatives. As the key beneficiary for social causes aligned to the Firm’s Corporate Social Investment Policy Guidelines, MIKS Foundation seeks to ensure alignment to and achievement of MIKS Investments and its partner organisations’ vision for empowerment.

All MIKS Investments’ subsidiaries and business associates are recognised as partners in these projects as this forms part of the Foundation’s overall corporate social investment strategy, to mobilise resources towards a common goal from within the Foundation’s network, as well as its resources. The Foundation’s key activities are based on projects which have been identified and spearheaded by MIKS Investments in conjunction with the MIKS Foundation board of Trustees and its partner organisations, and are co-ordinated by the MIKS Foundation board of Trustees.

Funding of the Foundation’s annual budget is derived from contributions made by MIKS Investments and its partner organisations. Other sources of funding include marketing projects and activities within MIKS Investments and its partner organisations that are coordinated by the Firm’s corporate marketing department, aimed at raising the MIKS Investments’ profile and brand. These activities include the Foundation’s annual leadership summit, annual golf day, business breakfasts, workshops and other public functions.

MIKS Investments continuously encourages its various business networks and partners, including suppliers to the Firm, and friends of the business to contribute to the Foundation as it grows in impact and measurable effect on social development through its various focus areas.


We are promotors of community empowerment that leads to accelerated economic development. We champion initiatives that enable people to better themselves, build community roots and create economic stability.

"It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it."

Nelson Mandela

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