Update from our Chairman

The year commenced against a background of an increase in interest rates, unemployment and loadshedding. All these elements are part of the basket retarding economic growth and a “ better life for all”

As is normal several school and university leavers entered the already depressed labour market.  Many senior year school leavers, although meeting university/college academic standards could not be accommodated by the various institutions because of capacity constraints. To this we need to add the cohort of individuals that could not apply for undergraduate admission due to personal economic reasons. The endless delay in NSFAS funding approval added to the overall frustration for accepted incumbents – all the aforesaid paint a very bleak picture for our younger South Africans and by extension their various communities.

The Foundation’s overall economic strength is adversely affected by the current depressed economy and the reduced trading activity of many of its donors. The Foundation, in these difficult times will however remain resolute in its aim to make a difference for the better.

It is with great pride that we salute two of our bursars who completed their studies at the end of last year and we will continue to support – financial and other-  the carry forward bursars. The board of trustees extent a warm welcome to the new bursary holders and remain positive that all bursars will through their academic and social behaviour be positive and influential ambassadors of the Miks Foundation.

Our annual flagship event – The Leadership Summit – will  be staged in July and an impressive list of high profile individuals will present papers.

Notwithstanding all retarding elements, we urge all to maintain  a positive attitude and to tackle all tasks with vigour and determination.


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